Wednesday 28 March 2012

A Sure Way Of Achieving Your Company Goals In The New Year!

All of us are now making plans and resolutions for ourselves and our companies during this time of the year. What needs to be asked is ‘will you do better this year?’ You learn from your failures and try to device better strategies to come out ahead in the New Year. But why don’t really smart people (like the CxOs), not do follow this process to run their companies? It seems  to me that they are doing the same mistake that they did last year and they want to do it faster this year! While they have better gauges, headlights, brakes, on their cars, they seem to be driving their companies into a brick wall year after year because they have no idea what is happening in their companies. It is as though they have a newspaper stuck on this windshield and they are driving really fast towards a brick wall….Read more

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

The Basic Art of Front Line Management

Front line management
The life line of delivery is flawless execution. Meaning, every delivery team has to have flawless execution day in and day out. This battle is won and lost in the trenches. These trenches are run by the first (sometimes referred to as front) line managers/leads. The success and failure of any project depends on how well the entire management has helped FLMs to four areas of their work. The best way to think of a FLM's rule is to the think of them as the 4Ps, (Plan, People, Process and Projects).
In this article we talk about some important aspects to consider in each area to become a successful FLM.
  1. Plan: Without Planning/Training these people most companies have failed in execution and if not in execution they have failed in scaling the organization:
    1. The plan for your team should be in-line with your customers plan for the project. You should feel free to ask the goals of every project. What is the Key Result Area (KRA) for the project? What is the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the project? What is the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the project? What are the business impacts of not hitting the SLA and why the customer/management is setting these objective SLAs.
    2. Based on this understanding you will need to come up with your own  plans for your team and your people. This plan should be broken down into plans for the month, week and day and should help achieve the company annual plan.
  2. People: FLMs by nature are the best technical people that have been made into FLMs because they are good at their technology and not because their leadership skills. Given this, most FLMs are not the best of people managers. You as an FLM need to be trained in people management. It is critical for your success. While HR or hiring can hire the best it is critical that there you take ownership and have the mindset to help people. It is as simple as that. If you are kind to your people they will be kind to you. You as an FLM should be the ones training your people with close supervision from other management team members.
    1. Mindset: The most important aspect of being a leader or FLM is to have the right mindset. Remember you can never be lazy or negative  about anything. Your entire team is looking up to you. If you say anything negative or get lazy or hide from your responsibility your team will not respect you and will never take anything you say seriously. Being an FLM does not mean that you will try and fight management for your team. While this looks good on the short run it is doomed. Make sure you work with your management to help your team. Be honest, humble, and hungry. Things will take care of themselves.
    2. Review: You must have a monthly KRA review with each employee.
    3. Feedback: Have a daily feedback if required with each employee. Ask if they have understood you. Have the team member repeat what they are supposed to do at the beginning of the day.
    4. Care: Find out how their day has been at least once every three days. Know your team members personal life. That IS your business. Make kindness a way of life.
    5. Who is your backup: Create a second. Will they be able to handle your job if you are on vacation without bothering your manager? That is the only question you have to ask when training them.
    6. Remember your customer is also a person. Here is how every customer thinks. No matter which company, country or type of work, the mindset of the customer is always the same.
    7. The Customer is looking to get ahead in his or her career by managing your project well: Companies are structured in a way that when an employees career grows, the company grows. This is news to be excited about. The first rule with customers, know what makes them succeed. It is your job description to help them get further in their career and help improve their company’s Return On Investment (ROI). This will help you and your career in the end.
      1. The customer is NOT out to get you: The customer actually wants you and your team to succeed. Because when you do they look good. When things are not going right for you and your team the customer is NOT out to get you. Any customer or manager is trying to understand only three things:
        1. Do you have a plan to fix the problem? And if this fix is a permanent fix?
        2. Do you date when your get well plan will bring the project back to GREEN?
        3. How they can help you solve the proble?
  3. Process: Every FLM needs to have a process to run their daily operations and drill or scrum. Without this process your will fail. Some of the critical processes to follow are:
    1. Morning Operating Rhythm (OR): Create a morning OR for your team. Go through this with your management and then make sure that you go through your operating rhythm without fail. Also create an Insurance dashboard for youself.
    2. Daily Scrum: Spend 15 minutes to make sure everyone in your team understands the tasks for the day "WHAT", "WHEN", "HOW" needs to  answered here.
    3. Talk to your team: Most of the time the individual contributors need to be verbally explained what needs to be done every day even if the information is written in requirements or process documents.
    4. Define the goal to the team: For example if you are going to be testing 100 items with an intent to find out as many bugs as possible tell the team that they have to get to a goal of creating at least 5 bugs each. But make sure you let them know that they have to stick to the test script.
    5. NEVER jump steps: When explaining things to people never jump steps. It is critical that you make sure that your team also understands that they don’t jump steps. Jumping steps is a sure way of getting things wrong.
    6. Review: Tell them when you are going to review and what you are going review at the beginning of the day. Continuing with the QA example, tell your team that you are going to QA every bug that is reported. If you working on operations or development let your team  members know that you are going to do a sample QA of the work done by everyone in the team. Before you QA, THINK!!!! “What is your goal?” “What is the customer going to look at when they see our work?” Then QA the work. 99% of the errors that will come from your team will come from the lack of understanding of the fact that they don’t look at their own work from the end users perspective. Out of these errors 90% of the errors is going to be caused because your team members have jumped steps or trying to take short cuts. Yes even the so called human errors are caused because someone got too cocky about the work they are doing and got careless.
    7. Questions from the team: You have to explain the work at the beginning of the day. Encourage your team members to ask questions. The best way to make sure that your team does not ask questions is to make sure that you NEVER yell at a person that asks questions. When people ask questions, please make sure that you don’t just answer it. Make sure that you ask more questions to test if they have understood the process completely.
    8. Timing of your reviews: Again, the operative word is ‘THINK’. Don’t review the work of your team at the end of the day. Review a sample of everyone’s work after they go through the first pass. Then  again, when they are half hour from lunch and then again one hour before the end of the day. This will ensure that the work that they are doing can be corrected during the day and not at the end.
    9. End of Day (OR): Before you send your daily update into your dashboard or your email to your customer/management make sure that you have reviewed all the numbers that you are sending. The simple way of making sure that the numbers are correct is to review the numbers backward from the email or the dashboard as a customer would. Your sample tests at least one or two should come from this message or dashboard to make sure that you are doing what your customer will do when they review this information. Again the operative word is ‘THINK’ customers!
    10. Highlights for the day: Collect all questions and make sure that you put this into the knowledge base of your team. Make sure that you check with your management in your weekly call about where to store this information. Again, don’t assume, ask!
  4. Projects:
    1. Timely delivery: Know the timely delivery KRA for your project. Make sure that your team knows about this number every day.
    2. Quality Delivery: Know the quality delivery KRA and SLA for your project. Make sure that you mention it to your team every day as a part of the daily operating rhythm and also put it up on the Insurance dashboard.
    3. Understand the RYG for your project: When to raise your project from G to Y and Y to R and back.
    4. When you in trouble: (And you will be from time to time) make sure that you:
      1. Create a plan with your management on how you going to fix the problem for now and a preventive measure for the future.
      2. Confirm on when you will be back on track
      3. Confirm to the customer/management on the dashboard on what the plan is and when you will be able to get back on track. Also communicate if you need them to communicate anything specific to their customers
      4. When communicating, make sure that you are proactive. If you ever get into a situation when the customer or your management or your employee follows up with you for information then you will always have a tough conversation.
In every part of your 4Ps have to practice consistency of purpose (Rule 22) in everything that you do. You have to move from being a manager to a leader (Rule 11).
Every FLM at Vantage Agora goes through an experencial learning excercise in  being an FLM. The promotion to being an FLM means they get baptized by fire. We do this to ensure that your projects and operations get the attention it deserves to be successful!

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

Career: One Simple Tip To Ensure That Your Company Can Scale You With It!

Scale up with your company

As your organization grows you will find yourself having to do more and challenging yourselves in areas that will help you get ahead in your career by growing with the company. But the ground rules don’t change. Unless you provide undivided attention to customer and projects you will not be able to get a 'Customer Delight' rating from your customers. Meaning, you have to do your today's job better than yesterday and do extra!!!!

Now you will be thinking, "How on earth can I do more and provide deep analysis on customer data and spend quality time with customer????"
There is a simple way. You are doing this to a certain extent but you are not doing it consistently enough. Let me tell you what and why?

I will give you the short answer to the 'what' first. Just follow the steps mentioned below:

1.   Get organized internally as a professional. Meaning, you have to set up calendar appointments with yourself when you have to work on your tasks. That way you don’t commit to this time to others. Remember, calendar appointments are not just for meetings. At VA we have given a hard cover ‘VA little black book' to ensure just this. We call this operating rhythms.

2.   Whenever you meet an interrupt (Which you will, more than once in a day) please ask yourself, “is it an emergency (Important and Urgent (IU)) or important (Important but Not Urgent (INU)--These are good interrupts)?

3.   When the interrupt is a IU just show leadership and take decisions. Call whoever you want, whenever you want. Act like it is your baby! Stop if from crying. No time to hold back here.

4.   When the interrupt is an INU please create a task your company tracker (‘Club VA’ in our case) and make sure that you inform people in advance about this so that they can be prepared during the call. Then make a decision as a team in your weekly call.

If you want to know WHY this is the best solution read on...
Now, stop reading and just jog back in your memory on the number of times you had an unscheduled conversation (over the phone, email, or in person chats) about a issue that had cropped up in your organization.

Was it something that had to do with people, was it an emergency, was this something that you were just keeping your management in the loop, was this something that is time sensitive that needs all of us to be on a call to sort out? If the answer is “YES” (IU)!!!! Glad you interrupted and glad you talked and sorted it out.

The best way to test this out is to ask yourself the question, "Is this an emergency (IU)?”

If not (INU), let it wait for a decision in your weekly huddle?
In my own career of having worked for 20+ years in several fortune 100 companies I have found that 99% of the time it is NOT an emergency (INU)!!!!! Wow!!!! That is pretty sweet. It just gives us the freedom to be slow, run deep, and to do one thing and doit better than anybody else in the world! (Rule #1)

In the rare case it is an emergency! Go ahead, make the call! Take the decision. Be a leader.

Now, let us find out WHY we are telling you this. When a company is growing you will have to do more before to ramp up your team (This true when you are ramp-ing down also). You and your team will have to be flexible, nimble and quick while growing as an organization. If you don't have a good stable system you will all end up trying to make decisions when you and your management is on the road without proper information on hand. This is a sure recipe for disaster. When you try to do more than one thing at a time bad things happen. This is when you will feel your management is inconsistent and your management feels that there is no visibility in the organization. When both are not true!

Go on try this system out and let me for 21 working days without a break and let me know how that worked out with you. If you are like us at VA I am sure you will tell me that are enjoying your work more and your customers are truly using the word ‘Delight’ when the talk about your service.

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

3 Reasons Why Your Backoffice Is More Important Than It Was Even Five Years Ago

No prices for guessing why having a world class back office or your data processing center or your operations is more valuable today than it was even five or even three years ago.  
1. An endless soft market
2. Growing pressures on back office costs because of an aging population
3. Increased customer service level expectations
Wow!! All these look pretty bleak. If you are thinking how does one even succeed in this market? You must know that we are seeing a set unique and innovative companies that are organically  growing at double digits year on year!!! How are these companies and leaders doing such a wonderful...Read more

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

Vantage Agora's Storm Support For Insurers

The first massive winter storm has hit the Mid-western US! Are YOU looking for assistance and help?? Then you have hit the right place! Insurers to face huge losses from latest deadly tornadoes!  -The Insurance Journal  

Vantage Agora has launched a special 'First Claim Support' program to support insurance Outsourcing companies and victims of this calamity. Our INS, CPCU trained claims processing Claims Outsourcing specialists can help any insurance company looking for immediate help in claims processing or back office processing.
Click here to know about our claims program or read our claims blog.
Please contact our Vantage Agora account executives by calling the number +1.888.246.7211 extension 5 or 6. We will make sure we help you with all your claims needs in this time of crisis.

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SAS70 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as payroll, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

U.S. Department of Commerce Partners With Vantage Agora to Improve Back-Office Operations & Manufacturing Jobs

Vantage Agora's superior back-office and six sigma process prompts U.S. Department of Commerce to recognize and select VA as the leading organization to improve manufacturing and create up to 500 jobs in the United States!

The U.S. Department of Commerce along with the Minority Business Development Agency announced that Vantage Agora will be the leading organization supporting the Manufacturing Technology Job Creation Initiative that is scheduled to be launched in July, 2012. The proven information technology and six sigma strategies that Vantage Agora provides small businesses and corporations is the ideal solution for this federally funded national demonstration project.
The Manufacturing Technology Job Creation Initiative is a demonstration program that engages minority-owned manufacturing firms across the United States to increase their competitiveness globally. The program implements technology innovations to increase the manufacturers' global marketing capablities and international sales. In conjunction, the program integrates process improvements that reduce costs and increase efficiency so that minority manufacturers are more globally competitive. 
This is a fiscal year demonstration that will create upto 500 jobs domestically and implement Six Sigma process improvements at the minority-owned manufacturing firms to increase efficiencies and improve profit margins. The 5 key goals of this demonstration project will be the following:
  1. Innovation: Emphasize innovation in the products and materials that are being developed and manufactured.
  2. Process Improvements: Implement a Six Sigma process improvement model for manufacturers.
  3. Improve Market Opportunities: Implement a comprehensive marketing strategy with new websites and virtual tours of manufacturing facilities.
  4. Create a Minority Manufacturing Network: Create a forum to exchange ideas and drive manufacturing innovation forward.
  5. Create 500 Jobs Domestically: An integrated strategy of innovation, process improvements, improved marketing resources and developing a minority manufacturing network will generate combined successes that will increase revenues, increase operational profit margins and lead to the creation of 500 jobs domestically.

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Vantage Agora Joins MarketScout

CLEVELAND, OH (February 22, 2012) – Vantage Agora, a global provider of back-office support services and custom IT solutions, today announced it is now a member of the Entrepreneurial Insurance Alliance (EIA) an incubator of emerging concepts in the insurance distribution, underwriting and technology sector.

Sudhir Achar
Vantage Agora

The CEO of Vantage Agora, Sudhir Achar, stated, “We are looking forward to participating in the EIA to support insurance entrepreneurs as the launch their new business plans. We know our cost-effective services will be a real benefit in helping these new companies get started.”

Richard kerr

Vantage Agora will provide applicants to the EIA with a competitive edge in the marketplace. Their policy underwriting, processing and claims abilities will be a huge benefit to any company,” said Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout.
MarketScout is an insurance exchange headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The exchange has over 35,000 users. MarketScout has offices in fourteen US locations.

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.

Vantage Agora Partners With APB and Associates

CLEVELAND, OH (January 25, 2012) – Vantage Agora, a global provider of back-office support services and custom IT solutions, has partnered with APB & Associates, Inc. to jointly work on client contracts to maximize their cost-effective solutions and services.

“The integration of our companies will provide new and existing clients with value added services and improved solutions to streamline their businesses. Our Six Sigma practice and SSAE 16 audit ensures the quality of our work as we constantly make process improvements to the services we perform on behalf of our clients,” said Vantage Agora CEO and founder, Sudhir Achar.

As minority owned companies, both Vantage Agora and APB & Associates, Inc. are lead by industry experts with extensive experience in helping companies become more efficient in their businesses.

APB & Associates, Inc. specializes in consulting, training and project management services for the integration of processes that assist customers in streamlining operations and eliminating inefficiencies. APB is also a reseller of office automation hardware, software and document management solutions.

“Vantage Agora is a great company and has a dedicated team of professionals. Our partnership will not only increase our client’s capacity in organizational infrastructure and design, but also enhance our diversity and cultural competencies, document management and supply chain management and sustainability,” added Andre Bryan, President of APB.

About the Author

As the founder of Vantage Agora (VA), Harsha has been instrumental in the growth of the company since its inception. Harsha has over 20+ years of experience in consulting, Enterprise Social Networking, Business Intelligence,  and Process improvement. His work with companies such as Fidelity, American Airlines, I2 Technologies, etc, has made him an Expert in Business intelligence and Process improvement. 
Harsha has developed a patent pending 'Enterprise Social Network – VA Club', Harsha also has 4 process improvement patents.

Harsha graduated MBA from southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, a masters in Computer Science from Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, and a Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University (BU).

About Vantage Agora

Vantage Agora (VA) is a global provider of back-office solutions, custom IT services and consulting services for companies in the insurance, finance, and healthcare sectors. As a SSAE 16 Type II audited company, Vantage Agora utilizes advanced data processing and quality control systems on a secured network to ensure efficient, comprehensive management of back-office functions such as insurance, accounting, financial and administrative tasks. Founded in 2004, Vantage Agora has offices in Cleveland and Dallas.

Know more about Harsha and Vantage Agora.